As the name suggests the coronavirus is a type of virus that comes in many different forms. One should know that, once infected by this virus are infected by a death causing diseases. It is also abbreviated commonly as SARS-Cov-2 or COVID-19, was identified in December 2019. The rapid spread of the virus led to a pandemic of respiratory illness which continues to this day. Although not a pandemic anymore, people are still expected to continue to always maintain social distancing and wear masks when outside homes, at all times.
There are various conspiracy theories out there but based on facts what we do know is SARS-CoV-2 may have originated from bats and metamorphosed so it could cause illness in humans. “In the past, various infectious disease outbreaks have been traced to viruses originating in birds, pigs, and so on that were mutated to become dangerous to humankind. Research continues, and more studies may reveal how and why the coronavirus evolved to cause pandemic disease.”[1]
COVID-19 is scary and many over the years have lost their loved ones. It has also left lasting health problems for those who did survive the illness. For most of us, it felt like we were surrounded by death. Many governments have initiated immunity-boosting vaccinations against this deadly disease. However, research is still carried on fto come up with a definitive cure for Covid-19.
What are the symptoms of coronavirus?
COVID-19 “symptoms include:
- Cough
- Fever or chills
- Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
- Muscle or body aches
- Sore throat
- Net loss of taste or smell
- Diarrhea
- Headache
- New fatigue
- Nausea or vomiting
- Congestion or runny nose
Some people infected with the virus show no symptoms at all whilst some only showcase mild colds or fevers. However, in some cases, Covid-19 can lead to respiratory failure, lasting lung, and heart muscle damage, nervous system problems, kidney failure, or even death.”[2]
Stay Physically Active
At the start of the pandemic, most of us were told to stay at home. Malls, shops, even big to small businesses all were shut down. The only way to survive and not get infected was to not be in close contact with another human. Almost all multinational conglomerates had their employees work from home. Some of us lost or quit our jobs. As such most of us were at home, except maybe the newspaper and the bank guys.
We were confined to the four walls of our homes and were not physically moving as much as we would normally do. Physical exercise helps not only keep you in shape but ensures that you remain healthy physically and mentally. It is important that you at least do some physical movements whilst sitting on your couch. Slight stretching and breathing exercises are also a good start! They ensure to improve your overall blood circulation and keep your mind active, and ensure you sleep better.
Look After Your Mental Health
Most of us have made drastic changes in our lifestyle, due to the “new normal”. As our movement is restricted, we have more than ever a time to do various things. Multitasking could not get any better. Change is not easy and takes time to get used to. However, baby steps are the way to go. Always. Almost every aspect of our lives functioned at home, working out, practicing your guitar lesson, from college classes to business meetings all happened online. Below listed are some few steps you can further take to remain healthy.
- Do Yoga,
- Practice breathing exercises,
- Practice Self-Care: DO more of what you love,
- It can become daunting to be positive 24/7 when you are surrounded by bad news, but it is times like these that you need to be strong and try to avoid negative news that has the potential to pull you towards depressive episodes,
- Surround yourself with your loved ones and talk to them,
- Maintain a balanced diet,
- Eat & sleep at the proper time and follow them,
- Don’t overwork yourself and take rests,
- Avoid too much alcohol & nicotine,
- Cleanliness is next to godliness: Not being hygienic is the first thing that will attract germs – thereby attracting diseases,
- Reduce your social media and screen time – Do online social detox if necessary.
- Most importantly be supportive and kind to others and yourself.
The World Health Organization suggests some ways you can quit or at least try to quit tobacco and nicotine products. “Smokers have a higher risk of getting coronavirus because they are constantly putting their hands to their lips. And then, if they get coronavirus, they run a greater risk of getting a severe case because their lung function is impaired. Quit today to reduce these risks and start living a healthier life.
Quick tips to curb your cravings:
- Delay: Delay as long as you can before giving in to your urge.
- Deep breathing: Take 10 deep breaths to relax from within until the urge passes.
- Drink water: Drinking water is a healthy alternative to sticking a cigarette in your mouth.
- Do something else to distract yourself: Take a shower, read, go for a walk, listen to music!”[3]
Eating a healthy diet is generally important but even more so during COVID-19 is circulating the world. “What we eat and drink can affect our body’s ability to prevent, fight and recover from infections. While no foods or dietary supplements can prevent or cure COVID-19 infection, healthy diets are important for supporting immune systems. Good nutrition can also reduce the likelihood of developing other health problems, including obesity, heart disease, diabetes, and some types of cancer. For babies, a healthy diet means exclusive breastfeeding in the first six months, with the introduction of nutritious and safe foods to complement breastmilk from age 6 months to 2 years and beyond. For young children, a healthy and balanced diet is essential for growth and development. For older people, it can help to ensure healthier and more active lives.”[4]
In addition to this, you can ensure that you have these on an everyday basis:
- Cut back on salt,
- Vegetables and fruits,
- Avoid junk food,
- Avoid oily food,
- Limit sugar intake.
- Don’t forget to take your Vitamins!
In addition to everything else listed above. You need to take your supplements on time, like vitamins and immunity booster tablets or cod liver oils. It is best to consult your doctor or physician who can best guide you through the medication that can be taken on an everyday basis, and which will ensure that you physically remain balanced and in proportion. For example, certain vitamins that you get from sun you won’t know because you are not traveling outside as much.
The coronavirus pandemic continues to be the biggest threat to human lives. It has, however, since then changed and reshaped lives, economies, and society at large.
1. Freedom of Movement of people and goods could be restricted
“The pandemic has set the processes of globalization into reverse. The aviation industry has been devastated, global trade may fall by as much as a third, and new barriers to freedom of movement including closed borders and quarantine requirements are now almost universal across the globe. Traveling by air may never be the same, and airlines are unlikely to be able to sell seats directly next to each other for some time. People – including doctors, health care workers, and NGO staff – may be less able to travel as freely as before, and this could hamper efforts to bolster global health.”5
2. It could lead to more outbreaks of other infectious diseases
“With global supply chains under pressure, the transport industry suffering, and strict restrictions on movement, it has already become more difficult to get healthcare supplies to where they are needed. And the huge global demand for COVID-19 test kits, and the chemical reagents needed to make them, now threatens to create shortages of tests for other infectious diseases, which could undermine global disease surveillance. Transport issues and logistical barriers are also having an impact on the supply of some existing vaccines, which threatens to disrupt routine immunization programs. This could lead to drops in immunization coverage that sets countries back decades. The World Health Organization has warned that the number of deaths from malaria in sub-Saharan Africa could double this year if healthcare systems designed to treat malaria are suspended in favor of COVID-19 programs.”6
“The third scenario is no less terrifying and may be more likely to occur. Because coronaviruses can adapt well to humans and COVID-19 could keep evolving it is effectively a new virus to which we have little immunity. If this happens it could also potentially derail efforts to develop a vaccine. There have been theories that heat and humidity are the reason why we have so far seen fewer cases and deaths across Africa, Asia, and Latin America. Scientists estimate that although heat and humidity might kill the virus more quickly on surfaces, which may reduce transmission by about 20% in hot weather, people who are infected can still spread it through sneezing, coughing or speaking.”[7]
Since the future is uncertain, the best defense is preparation. Predicting the evolution of the outbreak is confusing. However, we can ensure not to repeat past mistakes and continue taking the precautions we have always been taking. Ensure to wear masks, save and invest money, sanitization and wash hands constantly – these are little sacrifices that will go a long way in keeping us safe.
[1] What Is Coronavirus? | Johns Hopkins Medicine [2] Ibid 1. [3] #HealthyAtHome - Quitting tobacco ( [4] #HealthyAtHome - Healthy Diet ( [5] Five ways coronavirus could impact the future of global health | Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance [6] Ibid. [7] The future with COVID-19: three potential scenarios | Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance